What to do with lead calls

What to do with lead calls

What do you do when you have a buyer who wants to see a property, but it’s pending? What if they only want to talk to the list agent, and you’re not it? 

If you find yourself in these situation, how do you take that information and turn them into a client, even though you can’t give them exactly what they are looking for?

Keep it Conversational 

So you make an appointment to show the house, only to find out that it’s pending. 

Best case scenario, you’ve set up showings at three or four houses. If that’s the case, you can say “Great. I’ll set up the showing today, and I’m going to look around the neighborhood because I can think of a few other houses that you might like that are similar to this. Some you might like better! I’ll set that up so you have something to compare it to, and then I’ll text you and let you know where we’re going to start. Does that sound fair to you?”

If they say yes and the original property is pending — not a problem! You’ve got two or three other houses to show them. You’ll also find ones that aren’t pending, and you’ll just start there.

If they say no, and they only want to see the one property, and you find out it’s pending, you can still pivot this meeting. In this case, the first thing to do is NOT to text them and say the house is pending. Instead, try to get them on a phonecall. If they do not answer immediately say, “Hey, quick update on your home search, we need to make a change. Are you available? Give me a call.”

Once you get them on the phone, that’s where you have the conversation. It’ll be much easier to let them know that the house they’re interested in is pending through a casual conversation presenting even more opportunities to view other similar homes instead of texting them that they didn’t get it and only being the bearer of bad news..

When you get them on the phone you can say, “Here’s the thing. Unfortunately, that house is pending, but I looked at several off market properties — we’ve got a couple hundred in our list — and we have a few that I think might be a fit for you. But I need to know a little bit more about what you’re looking for in a home and why you liked the pending property. Tell me some more about what appealed to you about this property, and about what it is you’re looking for.”

Now that you’ve got them in answering question mode, you can take down more notes about what they’re looking for in a home. After learning more about what they want, you can turn the conversation around and say something like, “Hey, I think I might have a few homes that would be a good fit. We already have an appointment time, do you have 20 minutes right now to meet up?” 

No matter what, just keep pushing for that face to face appointment. And don’t forget the pre-sell.

Dealing with objections

You’ve kept your meeting but now the purpose of it’s changed a little bit - it’s still pretty similar but different. Instead of viewing that initial property they were interested in, the purpose is to review the new properties that you’ve found based on what you think, and what they’ve told you, would be a good fit for them.

If an objection they might throw at you is something like “Can’t you just send me the list?” you can respond with, “There’s actually no list. I’m combing through several different databases and internal sources that I can’t publicly share since the properties aren’t actually listed for sale. I can show it in person to people I’m working with as clients. Would say two o’clock work for you?” 

Keep pushing for that face-to-face meeting. It doesn’t matter where you take it. You might have to have it on zoom. You might have to have it at a house or Starbucks. Just continue pushing for that meeting.

You can use this same exact technique when the buyers want you to be the listing agent.

If they ask, “Are you the listing agent?” I’d say “The listing agent is an associate of mine. Does two o’clock today work for you?” 

Again, you want to acknowledge their response, but take control of the conversation.

But, let’s say they keep pushing, “Wait, you’re not the listing agent?” 

Be honest with them. “No, I’m not the listing agent. And here’s the thing: that listing agent does not work in my company, so they’re not going to have access to the properties that are really exclusive to me. So tell me, what is it that you liked about this house? Maybe one of these properties I have would be a good fit for you.”

A BIG mistake to avoid 

One of the biggest mistakes I see agents make early on is they say, “We have all these properties, would you like access to them?” 

Don’t do that.

That’s not a part of the script! 

The script is, “We have all these off-market properties. I’d love to see if any of them are a fit. What exactly are you looking for in a home?” 

That’s much more conversational, and it’s a much easier way to keep the dialogue going and to keep things running smoothly. If you just send them the list, the conversation might end right there and that’s not helpful to you or them.

Setting up the appointment

Once you’ve established a dialogue, and worked past any objections, you want to set up the appointment either right there at the house while you’re looking at it, or on a zoom call. 

And when you finally have this conversation, it’s just like we talked about before, you want to discuss the client’s needs and show them the off-market properties that you have exclusive access to through your company’s database.

That’s how you handle the “pending problem,”  and the “you’re not the listing agent” problem. 

With these strategies, you’ll get so many more deals converted and you’ll end up helping a lot more buyers find the perfect home for them.

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